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Agolo's vision is that more accurate entity graphs will drive AI application adoption, usefullness and value. Agolo doesn't make a GenAI application or LLM. Our entity graph makes GenAIs and LLMs better.

Our mission is to enable trusted AI-driven products, enabling customers to distill and uncover trusted insights from their data to drive decision making and analytical automation. We are dedicated to providing the most advanced text analytics capabilities, rooted in deep Natural Language Processing (NLP), Large Language Models (LLMs), and Generative AI (Gen AI) research.

For data analysts, By data analysts

About Us

We are a team of business leaders, analysts, researchers, data scientists, and Al developers with extensive experience in Al, NLP, and LLMs. With our deep entity-based expertise, we have solved some of the most complex problems inherent to unstructured data sources. With Agolo, our customers extract high-valued structured information from unstructured data sources and documents.

Agolo's team has experience across leading
Al, NLP and ML companies

John Kanarowski
John Kanarowski

Worked at Cogito, Periscope, Workday. Dartmouth BA, Harvard MBA

Barry Graubart
VP Products
Barry Graubart

Worked at Intercontinental Exchange, Alacra, ClearForest, BA SUNY Albany.

Sherif Sabry
VP Engineering
Sherif Sabry

Worked at IBM. M.Sc. National School of CS & Applied Math, Grenoble

Belal Gouda
Sr. Product Manager
Belal Gouda

Worked at Solvemate, Trendak. BS CS American Univ. of Cairo

Gracie Carter
Sr. Product Manager
Gracie Carter

Worked at Change Healthcare, Certara, Haulhub. MS Informatics Kennesaw State University

Scott Hoffman
Enterprise Sales Director
Scott Hoffman

Worked at Granulate, Pryon, Progress Kinvey, Aurea; BS Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Bill Kendall
Senior Solutions Engineer
Bill Kendall

Worked at Oracle, BIAS, Cockroach Labs and Yugabyte. BBA CIS and Marketing, Georgia State University.


Mohamed AlTantawy

Agolo Co-Founder and Ex-CTO

Federal Advisor
Terry Bush

DIA - Former Chief Data Officer, MARS Program Leader

GTM Advisor
Todd Osborne

OpsLevel, New Relic, Oracle

Federal Advisor
Megan VanHorm


Industry Advisor
Jason Payne

Sensata, Schrader Electronics, MEMA Original Equipment Suppliers

Strategy and GTM Advisor
Mark Gallly

Zaius, Oracle/NetSuite, TribeHR

Funded by several of the most
experienced AI Investors

$18+ Million
raised to date